5-7 Days
20-40 mg/day
Nakon Medical
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International Warehouse 3
Tamoxifen Citrate
Tamox 20 is a medication belonging to the anti-estrogen class. It is not a steroid and has a potent anti-steroidal effect. This is primarily because Tamox 20 can inhibit estrogen absorption in certain organ receptors.
The drug is effective in slowing down the advancement of tumor diseases that are fueled by estrogen. Although it was originally developed for women, it is now widely used by men in bodybuilding to help them achieve their fitness goals due to its powerful effects and benefits.
Effects of Tamox 20The primary purpose of Tamox 20 is to prevent the development of tumors and cancers. Male bodybuilders are particularly interested in this medication because it helps to avoid unwanted breast development and excess water retention. This effect occurs because Tamox 20 blocks estrogen receptors in human tissues and works against the conversion of testosterone and its derivatives into estrogen.
It is advisable to use Tamox 20 during support phases for athletes following various diets. The drug is known to enhance muscle density. If you are considering purchasing Tamox 20, be aware that, despite its numerous beneficial effects, it has several contraindications.
Individuals with a known sensitivity to the drug, those with diabetes, kidney issues, and women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid using it. Consult a healthcare provider if you experience any discomfort.
The key active ingredient in Tamox 20 is Tamoxifen Citrate, which prevents the development of estrogen-driven tumors. When estrogen levels in men are elevated, it can lead to unwanted breast growth. Consequently, many men may use substances that increase estrogen levels, resulting in gynecomastia, fat accumulation resembling female distribution, and increased water retention. Tamox 20 works to inhibit these estrogen increases and mitigate these adverse effects. However, it is essential to remember that while Tamox 20 acts as an estrogen blocker, it does not completely halt the conversion process.
Dosage and Usage of Tamox 20Tamox 20 may have side effects, including a "boomerang effect," where estrogen released from receptors can return to the bloodstream and activate previously accumulated estrogen. Thus, it is recommended to combine Tamox 20 with other medications, such as Proviron, to enhance muscle density. It is also advised to use it toward the end of a cycle when the body's testosterone levels are lower.
The recommended starting dose of Tamox 20 is 20 mg (one tablet) taken once daily, which can then be increased to 30 mg. After one week, the dosage may be further raised to 40 mg per day.
Keep this medication out of the reach of children and ensure it is used by adults only.