8-12 hours
Anabolic Steroid
10-20 mg/day
Euro-Pharmacies - US
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– is the brand name for the anabolic steroid Methyldrostanolone.
SuperdrolexCommonly referred to as Metasteron, this steroid is a potent oral anabolic compound but was never manufactured for commercial medical use.
Its chemical composition closely resembles that of Masteron (Drostanolone), with the primary distinction being the presence of a 17 alpha-methyl group. This modification enhances the steroid's bioavailability when taken orally.
Typically, the introduction of 17 alpha-alkylation alters the characteristics of a steroid, but in this instance, it does not. Like its parent compound Drostanolone, which is known for its aromatizing properties, Superdrolex does not exhibit any estrogenic effects. Consequently, it is unlikely to lead to side effects associated with estrogen. Moreover, both steroids maintain a very favorable anabolic-to-androgenic ratio.
Laboratory studies indicate that Superdrolex has an anabolic potency four times that of oral Methyltestosterone, along with an androgenic to anabolic ratio of 20:1.
Tests on Masteron demonstrate that it possesses anabolic efficacy comparable to Testosterone, albeit with 25-40% of its androgenic effects. It remains an effective anabolic steroid, but its ratio is reported to be 3:1 instead of 20:1.
The effective dosage for Superdrolex appears to begin at 10-20mg per day for men. At this dosage, users can expect significant anabolic effects, often accompanied by fat loss and improved muscle definition. However, weight gains of 10-15 kg should not be anticipated; typically, solo use results in a growth of about 5-7 kg of quality muscle mass.
Some individuals find that a daily dosage of up to 30mg may yield better results. However, exceeding this amount may increase the risk of hepatotoxicity. Hence, a common recommendation is to use Superdrolex at 20mg per day in conjunction with a non-toxic injectable steroid such as Nandrolone or Boldenone.
Alternative options include using injectable Primobolan or Trenbolone for such cycles instead of integrating additional 17-alpha alkylated anabolic steroids.
Due to its exceptionally high anabolic-to-androgenic ratio, Superdrolex might attract the attention of female bodybuilders. It is less androgenic than many common options like Winstrol and Primobolan, with Anavar (Oxandrolone) being the closest comparison at an anabolic-to-androgenic ratio of 30:1.
That said, the concerns regarding usage among women may arise from the relatively high dosage (10mg per tablet). Women are advised to start with 1-2mg per day to minimize risks, even though this might not be the most comfortable approach, it can still be effective. As with all anabolic steroids, there is a risk of virilization.
It is important to recognize the potential for liver damage when using oral steroids that are 17-alpha alkylated. Most recommend a cycle of Superdrolex lasting 4-6 weeks, although some bodybuilders may extend usage to 8 weeks. This belief stems from the perception that Superdrolex is less harmful to the liver than Oxymetholone, Dianabol, or Winstrol.
However, it should be noted that calling this notion a myth would be more accurate.
Superdrolex is indeed a remarkably powerful oral anabolic steroid. While it offers significant advantages with a favorable anabolic to androgenic effect, there remains a notable risk of liver damage if used improperly.
Keep out of reach of children. For adult use only.