

  • $116.00

CLASSIFICATION Steroidal aromatase inhibitor
DOSAGE 12.5-25 mg/day
LAB TEST See Document
WAREHOUSE International Warehouse 3
SUBSTANCE Exemestane ,

Exos is a newly developed and effective anti-estrogen medication that inhibits the conversion of various molecules in the body into estrogen. It is utilized clinically for treating post-menopausal breast cancer patients when other therapies have not been successful. After menopause, estrogen is synthesized in multiple areas of the body rather than just the ovaries, prompting Exos to target those specific enzymes. This has led to its popularity among bodybuilders, as many steroids are converted into estrogen within bodily tissues.

Uses of Exos

Numerous anabolic and androgenic steroids transform into estrogen, resulting in unwanted effects for men, such as gynecomastia, fat accumulation, and water retention, which can obscure muscle definition. Exos may aid in fat loss, increase testosterone levels by up to 60%, and elevate somatomedin levels, which has anabolic properties. Despite its testosterone-enhancing effects, Exos is not typically used in post-cycle therapies and is most effective during a full cycle.

In the bodybuilding community, the suggested dosage to prevent estrogen accumulation ranges from 12.5 mg to 25 mg daily. Exos is recognized as one of the most potent anti-estrogen medications available, with studies showing it can reduce estrogen levels by as much as 85% in women. Dosages can vary significantly based on individual biology and the strength and quantity of steroids being used, with some individuals responding to as little as 2.5 mg. For certain users, a dosage of 12.5 mg every other day may be sufficient. It is crucial to determine the appropriate dose for each individual, given the potency of Exos, since excessively low estrogen levels can hinder muscle growth and lower libido.

Potential Side Effects of Exos

In men, Exos may raise the risk of cardiovascular disease. Those concerned about their heart health should consider alternative anti-estrogen options. Women using Exos for medical purposes might experience a range of side effects, including hot flashes, gastrointestinal issues, various bone-related problems, elevated blood pressure, and potential birth defects in pregnant women. As a steroidal suicide aromatase inhibitor, some of the estrogen-lowering effects of Exos may be long-lasting, as it binds irreversibly to estrogen-converting enzymes.

Exos is typically available in tablet form, containing around 25 mg of the drug, and can be found at most pharmacies in the US and internationally under that name.

Keep out of reach of children. For adult use only.
