• $110.00

DOSAGE Men 400-1000 mg/week
ACNE Rarely
CARRIER OIL Grapeseed Oil
MANUFACTURER Pharmacom Labs - US
LAB TEST See Document
SUBSTANCE Boldenone Undecylenate ,

Pharma BOLD 500, produced by the renowned Pharmacom Labs, comes in convenient 10 ml vials, each containing 500 mg of Boldenone Undecylenate per ml. This potent anabolic steroid is designed for injection and is known for its effectiveness and low risk of side effects, making it suitable for solo use or in combination with other performance-enhancing substances.

The Boldenone ester in Pharma BOLD 500 is the longest available; while shorter variants like Boldenone Acetate and Boldenone Propionate exist, they are less commonly used, despite similar effects.

Boldenone is derived from Testosterone, differing primarily by a double bond in the first pair of carbon atoms. This minor change allows Pharma BOLD 500 to produce distinct effects in athletes, while maintaining the anabolic potency of Testosterone. However, androgenic activity in Boldenone is significantly lower, being about half that of Testosterone. Additionally, it does not convert to estrogen and has very minimal progestogen activity.

With a half-life of two weeks, Boldenone Undecylenate requires injections only once a week. Caution is advised for those planning to compete, as it was originally developed for veterinary purposes and can be detected in doping tests up to five months after the last dose.

One drawback of Pharma BOLD 500 is the slower weight gain, but the muscle mass acquired is of high quality. Athletes in a hurry might prefer more complex anabolic cycles like Enanthate or Testosterone Propionate. Nonetheless, most users are pleased with the outcomes of Pharma BOLD 500 as it promotes slow, water-free muscle growth, resulting in excellent muscle quality and density, with minimal backlash in performance after stopping the drug.

As a powerful anabolic, Pharma BOLD 500 can enhance endurance by stimulating blood cell production, leading to better oxygen delivery to tissues, especially important for muscle development.

- Promotes muscle growth - Increases strength - Enhances endurance - Effects persist post-cycle - Minimal side effects at recommended dosages - Improves oxygen transport, which boosts appetite - Provides impressive muscle definition and vascularity

Effects of Pharma BOLD 500:

Usage Guidelines for Pharma BOLD 500: Dosage, Cycle, and PCT

Pharma BOLD 500 is favored not just by male athletes but also by females due to its low side effects. It can be effectively used in combined cycles to accelerate weight gain or mitigate side effects from more potent steroids.

Typically lasts from two to ten weeks, with a recommended minimum dose of 400-500 mg per week. Doses of around 800 mg are considered safe, though some athletes may push it to 1 g, which carries more risk. Post-cycle therapy (PCT) using testosterone boosters is advisable.

Solo Cycle for Men:

Similar to the male cycle, but recommended doses range from 50 to 100 mg per week to avoid virilization. Testosterone recovery is unnecessary.

Solo Cycle for Women:

Combine Pharma BOLD 500 with Winstrol or Oxandrolone (Anavar) for solid muscle gains while reducing fat and enhancing muscle definition.

Cutting Cycle:

Two primary combinations exist: Boldenone with Testosterone Enanthate for faster muscle gains with fewer side effects, ideal for beginners, although some muscle mass may be lost after the cycle ends. Alternatively, mixing Testosterone Propionate with Winstrol can lead to more effective weight gain and improved muscle definition without losing performance afterward.

Bulking Cycle:

User feedback consistently indicates that Pharma BOLD 500 does not cause significant side effects. With no potential for aromatization, it lacks complications such as gynecomastia, blood pressure spikes, or water retention, and does not lead to hair loss, acne, or other androgenic side effects.

Pharma BOLD 500 Reviews:

Keep out of reach of children. Intended for adult use only.
